You Are What You’ve Eaten…

I know this entry will piss off several self-help authors who have done their best to help those living with the ghosts from their past.

I’ve read Viktor Frankl’s “Man’s search for Meaning”. I’ve also read Susan Anderson’s “Journey from Abandonment to healing”.  One is history and the other good intentions.

The only line that I can say is true comes from the songwriter Todd Rundgren.  Todd wrote in his song “Parallel Lines” ~ “Understanding won’t satisfy the hunger”.

Let’s say that at the age of nine, your caretaker stopped feeding you.  You were forced to eat food from vending machines. After years of counseling, you discover that you died spiritually because the food you once enjoyed was taken away.  You still remember the smell of vanilla from whatever was baking in the oven.  You remember the smell of oregano and tomatoes from that special sauce.  You even remember a special dish that you can’t even describe. All you remember is that after you ate it, it defined you. You became “All you could be”.

Now it’s gone.

Your therapist tells you: “Your problem is simple.  You miss your caretaker’s cooking.  In fact, YOU HUNGER FOR THAT ONE SPECIFIC DISH.  Do you understand now? You HUNGER FOR THAT ONE DISH.”

Thanks for explaining that.  I’ll spend the next 50 years hungering and searching for that dish.  Can you tell me how to cure this hunger?  I know I’m hungry.  I don’t need to spend $200.00 an hour to hear that I’m hungry. My stomach doesn’t charge me a penny to hear it grumble.

What?  The recipe died with the caretaker?  Maybe I can find someone else that can cook like the caretaker?  No!  Her recipe isn’t even close.  Not only did it not taste like the original recipe, she burned down my house and half of everything I owned.

In a perverted way, I get enjoyment out of finding things I’ve lost because it gives me the feeling of finding that recipe.  I think I’m even rude to imposters who try to cook that recipe but haven’t a clue.

King Solomon writes in Ecclesiastes: “The Day you die is better than the Day you are Born”.  Yes, ignorance is bliss.  Had I never tasted that wonderful recipe, I would not be “HUNGERING” or “SEARCHING” for it.  I would be quite content with vending machine food and frozen burritos. It’s been 52 years and I can still taste every bite.

Not only did that recipe taste so wonderful; it gave me incredible energy and charisma.  I was a better person after I ate that meal.  I felt so happy that others’ liked being around me.  I could fly with wings of eagles after eating that meal.  Now I just fall off of rooftops.  Everything I try to do comes from how wonderful I remember feeling after eating that recipe that is now gone.

I’ve spent my entire life trying to replicate how that recipe made me feel.  I do all the things that recipe gave me the magic to do but people can tell I’m not eating the same recipe.  I’m an empty shell of the guy they used to love to be around. I’ve spent my entire life searching for that lost recipe.  It’s been a journey with no destination.

A Death Movie Marathon

Las night I had a “Death” movie mini-marathon. The 4 movies I viewed were “The Bucket List” starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, My Life a movie about a cancer victim coming to grips with is life review starring Michael Keaton and Nichole Kidman.  The 5 people you meet in haven starring Joh Voight and a Movie that almost fell into my lap called Fearless starring Jeff Bridges.  A movie about death Survivors.  But strangely enough this movie had the most effect on me although it was the furthest from the death scenario.

Bucket List:

The movie started a movement when it came out. People started writing down things they wanted to accomplish before the: “Kick the Bucket”.  In the Movie Morgan Freeman finds himself in a 2 bed hospital room with the billionaire philanthropist/owner of the hospital played superbly by Jack Nicholson.  Now most of us would be lucky to do half the things Jack and Morgan do.  But in the end, the movie comes down to the same purpose.  Resolving unresolved issues.

My Life:

Robert/Bob/Bobbie/Jones/Ivanovich is a Detroit Russian that leave Michigan for L.A. to become a successful P.R. man. The movie starts with his fatal diagnosis.  He also finds that his beautiful wife (Nicole Kidman) is pregnant.  So most of the movie is Michael Keaton documenting thousands of feet of video for his son to appreciate after Keaton’s death.  Keaton visits a Cambodian healer who tells him the cause of his cancer is an anger that’s been in his body since his childhood.

The Five People you meet in Heaven:

This Movie is quite mundane compared to the other 2 movies. Spoiler* The premise of the five people you meet in heaven are people that played an important role in your life.  Some you may not even know.  Jon Voight should have won an Oscar for his performance.


Seriously, I was not intending to watch this movie. I was trying to make room for the 3 movies I had just watched and this Movie literally “presented its self” as if to say: “You need to watch me”!  The movie starts with the crash of a 727 Jet from SF to Dallas.  Jeff Bridges plays “Max” who walks away from the wreckage and saves many lives in doing so.  To make the movie more interesting, prior to the crash, Max has a tremendous fear of flying.  But at a poignant moment as the plane is going down, he assesses the situation and realizes he’s not afraid.  He straps himself into a seat next to a 10 year old child who is forced to sit alone.

The movie starts out with him carrying a baby and the survivors following Max through a corn field. Max loses any fears he has as he feels or thinks, he’s a ghost.  The first experiment he does is goes to a diner and orders a fruit platter.  He is deathly allergic to Strawberries.  He east a whole serving of strawberries with no anaphylactic response what so ever.  He stands on the ledge of a sky scraper and dances in a state of delirium.

In the end, he is talked back in to this realm of reality and has on last bout with strawberries.

My message from this movie (which was only the 2nd time I had seen it) was that God is a powerful God. There have been reports of people falling from airplanes thousands of feet and walking away without a scratch.

There are a few lines that stand out in the 4 movies I watched.

When you get to Heaven you will be asked 2 questions: “Did you experience Joy in your life” and “Did your life bring Joy to someone else’s life”?

“It’s the anger that is causing your cancer!”

“I died so you could live. We are all part of each other.”

“Do you want to spend the remaining days of your life making your relatives and friends feel sorry for you; or do you want to spend them living life to its fullest?”


Divorce Burial & Ressurection


Hello old friends,

Let me first start this entry by saying your host is single as of August 30th.  Remember that date.  I will do an article on that date.

18k yellow gold wedding rings

12 years ago I opened the Cafe for chit chat.  The cafe went through some changes.  In 2014 a certain personality from Fox news was using my material and I enjoyed being his ghost writer.

Years passed and my articles became mainly about relationships, religion, God (don’t confuse the two) and the paranormal.

My last entry was June 18th, but the entries were getting farther and farther apart starting back in February.  I found myself losing my edge.  Then I lost most everything in July.  It hit me like a Tsunami.  I can’t say I didn’t see it coming because even a Tsunami gives you 15 minutes of warning as it sucks the surf out to sea before returning it 100 feet high.

So I’ve been rediscovering myself as I carry on the household responsibilities alone. (With 3 Siamese, a Wolf and a loyal loving German Shepheard who is 12 and knocking on Heaven’s door.)  Please keep in mind, age is not a disease.

That being said.  I’m BACK!

Repetitive Times Revisited


The following is strictly my anecdotal observations on the repetitive time phenomena.  If you want to read how rare it is that you will glance up and see a time of 1:11, 2:22, 3:33 etc… and specifically 11:11, go back to my original article on repetitive times.


On May 1st, I saw 2:22 and took a screen shot.  I told myself that every time I saw a repetitive number that I would take a screen shot.  Today is the 1st of June and I knew by the 3rd of May that something was going on.  I was correct.  By May 3rd I had 4 repetitive number screen shots.  (Remember these do not include the kitchen digital stoves or other LED clocks around the house).

Once again; I knew by the 3rd of May that something was going on.

Major fires started in May.  It was a month I would describe as full of misunderstandings and poor choices of words misunderstood verbal forest fires were blazing.  I will go so far as to say that, like many articles on the net, repetitive numbers are your angels Or as some call them, “Spirit guides”, are trying to get your attention.  Unfortunately, I went back over my phone to see if any major impact calls corresponded with any of these repetitive times.  They did correlate to several phone calls but not enough to create an “aha” moment.

My non-scientific observations lead me to this conclusion.  If you start seeing multiple repetitive digital times on your IPhone or LED clock; know that something of importance is going down and you need to (as they say in the godfather) “Go to the Mattresses.



The Christian Church



Sunday Sermon 2/5/2017


“I believe in God, but not religion.” ~ Gil Grissom

When I was single, I used to date women that would say: “I’m not religious but I’m spiritual”. It’s not the same.  We are all spiritual.  As Teilhard De Chardin wrote: “We are not humans having a spiritual experience; rather Spirits having a human experience”.  Religion is a belief in an afterlife based on stories passed down through history.  Spirituality is the energy force that powers your physical vessel it occupies while existing in this dimension.

Yeah, heavy, I know!

2017 years ago the Messiah said, upon this rock I shall build “My Church”.   I believe He did.  To quote Agent Mulder: “The Truth is out there”.  During the first Century A.D. the teachings of Christ were already being distorted.  The 12 Apostles were spreading the teachings as they understood them, but the people in the assemblies were making their own rules.  It’s Ironic because the Pharisees loved rules and felt that all they needed to do was “follow the rules” and they were in the heavenly Que.

The Church of Californians

In Corinth, the church became divided amongst the apostles, as one contingency would say I am of Paul and another would say I am of Peter.

The division had begun. People were of Christ through someone else.  That’s sort of how the Catholic Church works today.  Catholics are of the Pope.

Some are of Martin Luther. (Lutherans). Some are of John the Baptists. (Ad prefix + Baptist Church).

Some are of John Smith. Some are of Space Aliens.

As I study the Bible, neither Peter, Paul, Martin Luther, the Pope, John the Baptist or John Smith died for your sins.

Somewhere on this planet, Satan was able to divide and attempt to conquer.   He used Sal Alinski’s rules for radicals.  Turn Christians against one another.  Hang suspected witches.  Yet Christ said: “Let he who is without sin throw the first stone”. I don’t blame the decline of culture and mores for the lack of attendance in the Church.  I blame the lack of Truth being taught in the church to accommodate today’s moral decay.  Why is the Rock Band more important than Holy Communion?  Why do those who are invited to come forward for Baptism, done so in the presence of a Hammond B3 Organ playing major 7th chords?  Does this make the commitment seem more righteous? I love God, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  But what were once secret living rooms, are now concert halls/503Cs.  Baptism is now an inconvenience rather than a public show of faith.  So most churches avoid the numerous verses in the Bible about being baptized.  I call that Burger King Christianity.  “Have it Your Way”.  It doesn’t work like that.

In the end; your salvation is between you and The Creator.  None of us are perfect.  It’s getting harder and harder to worship in a church that interprets the Bible as it was taught in the first century. IF you are not a Christian or a self-proclaimed Christian and read the New Testament in search of the requirements of salvation; you’ll find 5 basic indicators throughout the New Testament and finally, a wink and a nod in the book of Matthew.

  1.  Hear the Gospel
  2. Believe that Christ is The Messiah (Sent down as the Son of God to die for your soul)
  3. Confess that you are a sinner
  4. Repent or try to stop sinning. The trying is the important part.
  5. Be Baptized. If you want to have fun, take a Bible program and look up how times Baptism is mentioned and how many times it is directly associated with salvation.If you are not a member of a Christian Church, find 3 believers and one who knows how to baptize.  Ask them to explain the Gospel to you (Hear) Tell them with open mouth that you believe Jesus died for your sins.  Admit that you are an imperfect human that sins.  Say that you will repent from your earthly sinful direction.  Then find a hot tube, swimming pool and if needed, get down to the “River” and have one of the believers proclaim that they are baptizing you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Then submerge you in water.  If you do this. (Including the full submersion part) you will begin your relationship with Christ.  He will know you.  You will not hear Matthew 7:21.  You won’t be perfect which is why when we pray; we ask for forgiveness of our sins.  Remember in Driver’s Education they say you break the law every 7 seconds while behind the wheel without knowing it? (Hyperbole I’m sure), Your life as a new Christian will be somewhat of the same nature.  So when you pray, always ask for forgiveness AND never hesitate to forgive those you have put one over on you.If you are on life support in an ICU ward; remember that God can save whom ever He wants.  Don’t wait until you’re on a respirator in intensive care.


The Wink and the Nod: Matthew 7:21

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’

The key is the part in BOLD. I never knew you”.  This goes back to my statement about your salvation being between you and The Creator.  Sitting in the back pew every Sunday for 52 weeks a year will not save you. You have to exercise trust and faith and reach out for something that is not directly visible.  By doing this, you are making an appeal to Christ for a relationship.

You have no proof of what lays ahead of you after this life. So you need to decide if this story that’s been around for over 2000 years is as real as the miracles written about; or if you want to go on living in a point and shoot existence.  We already accept that there are forces that exist which are not in the visual field of the human eye.  We have discovered that everything in this consciousness is energy.  Finally we’ve been given an example of two humans who died and came back to life.  Christ brought Lazarus back from death after 3 days.  Then Christ Himself was risen from the dead after 3 days of death.  He did this to prove that there was life in another place. Another dimension not visible to us.  We need to use faith and love as our ticket to this dimension.

In closing let me just add this.  You can not lose your salvation.  But The Creator will not force you to love Him.  He respects your free will enough to let you walk away from your salvation.

Circadian Rhythm



The Rhythm of Living

Did you know that there exists within your brain a particle called the “Suprachiasmatic nucleus”?  It’s often referred to as your body’s Master Clock.  It tells you when should hit the sack and also when to wake up.

The concept of Circadian Rhythm is more than just your body’s time clock.  There are other mysteries in life that are related to the SCN that “Chronobiologists” are just beginning to understand. (And not).  The power of suggestion is so strong it can often over-ride your SCN.  For example, the SCN uses surrounding environmental conditions to tell you to wake up.  The sunrise is a great example.




When I first started touring the U.S. I had trouble on the east coast having come from Pacific Standard Time.  For me, waking at 6AM was like waking at 3AM.  I soon learned that the natural way to not sleep through your wake up call was to leave the curtains open.  Yes the Sun would wake me at 3AM PST if I needed to be up at 6AM EST.

Add the power of suggestion.  I was told that if I had been drinking on that long flight from LAX to Logan, to take 2 Tylenol and tell myself that I was going to awaken at 6AM feeling refreshed and full of energy.

It works.

Although I quit drinking several years ago, I still use this if I have to wake at 3AM PST to catch a 6AM flight.   But let’s go deeper into the SCN’s influence.  A study was done about 40 years ago on young ladies in sororities. The results would make Esther Williams proud.  In a house with 6 females, in time, they would all have synchronized menstrual cycles.  Again, the theory of external ambience would alert the SCN that it was time to cleanse the uterus.  Be it the subconscience smell of menstrual blood or the Tampon wrappers in the trash can.


The same function as the sun coming through the Hotel window would trigger a chronobiological response.  Did you ever wonder why you could hold your bladder on a long car trip, but as soon as you got through the front door of your home, you practically had to reach down to hold your urethra shut?  Your body knew the spot of urination was close.

Fascinating, yes?

Try explaining mutually synchronized orgasms.  Try and explain the Pavlovian response to the smell of garlic, onions, oregano and Olive oil.



Finally, and I can’t begin to explain this last example.  When spouses in long-term relationships or “LTRs” (I don’t know if they have to be close relationships, meaningful or just proximity) pass; the average time left for the surviving spouse is 2 – 9 years.  It’s easy to understand that if we’re talking about a couple in their 70s, sure it’s not unusual for anyone to die in that decade of life.  The problem is it happens earlier.  (Sometimes in their 50s).  I will admit 7 years is a long spread but most close LTR couples tend to pass on the 2 year end of the time period.

At this point in my life experience, I feel that we die when we are ready to die.  When we lose a spouse or friend that we included in our daily lives, and they pass, it leaves us thinking we should go with them if we have no reason to continue living.  Often when the other spouse continues past 9 years, we find that their work was their reason for living.  This could be a reason why so many veterans with PTSD pull the plug on life.  For that matter anyone who has had a life altering event.  A beautiful model who had her face scared in an automobile accident and is no longer acceptable as a cover model falls victim to depression and then suicide.  Much can be written about the many child stars that would grow up only to outgrow the cute 7 year old sitcom star.  We see these young talents committing suicide as a result of feeling that their life has no purpose.  They stop getting outside attention and lose that inner love for themselves. (Which turns to depression etc….)



Perhaps one of the greatest Baseball Players the state of Minnesota ever saw was a fantastic center fielder named Kirby Puckett.  He was an annual All-star and a pillar in the community.  In 1995 Puckett took a fastball in the eye from opposing pitcher and friend Dennis Martinez.  Puckett was at the zenith of his career.  He was winning batting titles and took the Twins to the World series twice.

During the following spring, Puckett was putting up impressive batting numbers once again hitting .344 in the Grapefruit league.  On a morning in March, Puckett awoke to blindness in his right eye.  He had developed Glaucoma which was left untreated over the off-season.  In 1996 the phenom center fielder could no longer play the game and was forced to retire after 3 unsuccessful operations on his eye.

Leaving the game he loved was a sudden and traumatic turn for the all-star.  Puckett would live another 9 years and die at the young age of 45 due to a Stroke. His life after early retirement was not one of bliss.  He would divorce his wife and later go on to gain weight which was a concern to those who knew him.  He let himself go.  His weight was estimated at over 300 pounds  He was the Youngest Hall of famer of modern times to die.  (2nd all time to only Lou Gehrig).



What does the SCN or Circadian rhythm have to do with life?  It seems everything.  We have free will and our nucleus time clock responds to our intentions.  When we stop loving ourselves, we have nothing left to live for.  When we feel or tell ourselves we have nothing to live for, we die.

Knowing Jesus, Understanding God & Trusting the Holy Spirit


Matthew 7:21

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. 22 Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.

A recent article by Erin Pavlina, (a self-proclaimed Psychic) wrote this article about

“Praying to God.

Since I know my audience has an 8 second attention span; The link above in red is to Erin’s article and I’ll give you my thoughts on her point of view on the Great Almighty.  In short, she refers to God (The monotheistic one and only true God) as source Energy.  I don’t want to add words to her article as I want to be fair and accurate.

Source energy is a new age and perhaps semi-Buddhist view of the Creator of all things physical.  I walked away from her article thinking: “Yes God gave us a brain to figure out and deal with our own decisions”.

It’s like the parable of the flood (It’s not in the bible) and how the evangelical sits on his rooftop and turns away a raft, a boat and a helicopter because he’s convinced that God will save him.  When he drowns, the evangelical said: “But God I waited for you on my rooftop! Where were you”?  God then replies, I sent you a raft, a boat and a helicopter. What were you waiting for the Queen Mary”? (I improvised at the end)

You get the point.  And this was the point of Erin’s article.  God is not our own personal genie.  Then she starts talking about vibrational matches and the law of attraction.

But if you truly know God, the prayers that get answered are the ones that will make you a better person and often after you have exhausted all of your options.  If your prayer is not answered delivering the result you wanted, do not be disappointed.  There’s an old saying that when God shuts a door, He usually leaves a window open.

More importantly:

God tends to come through when you are facing a situation that is out of your hands.  In this case, we are talking about faith.  If you’ve done all you can, and even gone so far as to be proactive and made the reminder phone calls, God will often wait until the 11th hour to see if your belief system is firm.  Again; If you don’t get the desired result, don’t be disappointed.  Ask yourself what you did or didn’t do that put you into this situation.  Or think outside of the box.  Ask yourself if God is trying to get you to look in a different direction.

When things don’t go your way, don’t blame God; rather question yourself.  NASA missions have been scrubbed for the “want of a nail”. (A scrubbed launch is better than 10 dead astronauts)  When you are in your 11th hour, all you can do is be humble and believe.  In the back of your mind (not the front) have a plan B.  If that raft doesn’t show up as the water is rising; think about the closest roof top you think you can swim too.  There may be someone there God wants you to meet.  Yeah, God works in wonderous ways (Job 37:5).  Here is a deep bit of advice.

If you know God, you know that there are no such things as coincidences.  If you know God’s principles, you know that He helps the humble and admonishes the haughty (conceited).  Finally, everything you have is from God.

Nothing on this spinning blue ball is worth losing your faith for.  Remember, Christ said: “He who does the will of my Father who is in Heaven will enter”.  He finishes off the warning by saying, in spite of all the good things you’ve done: “I will say depart from me you who practice lawlessness for I never knew you”.

If you’re right with God then you’ve got “No worries mahn”.

SIN CITY & 2 Legends


Rick Wakeman, Ace Andres, Trevor Rabin and Jon Anderson


I don’t know how to keep this epic Odyssey short because it really consists of various people and getting to meet 2 Heroes and 2 cents worth of advice on American Airlines.

I’ve flown 200,000 + miles on United Airlines.(In one year) I’m no stranger to air travel.  I’ve flown from LAX to Atlanta and back on American Airlines and wanted to kiss the ground each time I got off the plane.  For some reason, on my recent trip to Las Vegas (Sin City), I couldn’t just fly from Reno NV to Las Vegas NV.  (Like SF to LA or Seattle to Portland) NO!  I had to fly from Reno to Phoenix (2 hour layover) then to Sin City.  The return trip was in reverse. I have a new least favorite airport. (Atlanta being the first) But avoid McCarran International if at all possible.


Viva Las Vegas

There are 3 things I’m annoyed by in airports. (not counting TSA)

Trains/shuttles.  If you need a tram or subway to get you to ground transportation or your gate, the airport is too damn big.
People movers aka flat escalators. If you need a moving track to stand on the airport is too damn big. (Only exception is O’Hare because of the PRETTY LIGHTS)

Last are gates that are a mile apart. In Phoenix, they have two long people Movers to get you from Terminal A to Terminal B.  (Note* don’t touch the handrail unless you’ve brought hand sanitizer with you (3.5 oz. of less)

This works for all destinations. If you have to use a Taxi (Über not withstanding) call the concierge at the hotel and ask what the meter reads from the airport to your hotel.  This way you don’t get “literally” taken for a ride. If the round trip Taxi fee is more than the price of a car rental for the whole time you’re there, rent the car. (Check to see if Hotel parking is free first)


Viva ARW

When you get older, you realize time is more valuable than money. (If you have enough money) yes, I know the word “enough” is ambiguous. Some say you can never have enough money. If you can pay your bills and not have to borrow money to do something, then I recommend reading King Solomon’s book, Ecclesiastes.  For you pagan hippies, it’s the book in the Bible the Byrds’ song Turn, Turn, Turn came from . *Hint; It’s in the old testament.

I Posted This on Facebook’s Todd Rundgren Radio on September 10th 2016. There are only three living Musicians that I would pay to see perform. Trevor Rabin, Rick Wakeman and Todd Rundgren. In a recent interview shortly after David Bowie’s death, Rick Wakeman talks about recording “Life on Mars”. He said he was really impressed by David’s key modulations.

I had just performed “A dream goes on forever” written by Todd Rundgren (18 chords?) live for the first time. So I asked Rick what his thoughts on “Todd’s” songwriting were.

Expecting to hear tremendous accolades, Rick replied: “Sorry, I do not have any Todd CDs”. Oh well. Most of my songwriting mentors put Todd at the top of their list of best song writers and producers.



As you can see I not only met Rick Wakeman and Trevor Rabin but we posed like the Beatles from the “Meet the Beatles” album (back cover) All of us had fun pretending to be the Fab four.  John made the funniest comment of the night.  When I moved Jon Anderson from the middle of the group to the far right, I said: “OK, Jon you’re Ringo.  Trevor I need you to put your left outstretched hand on Jon’s right shoulder”.  As I moved Rick Wakeman (Who appears to be 10 feet tall and bullet proof) he gave me that look of “How dare you touch me”.  I must confess, I think a few drops of urine came out when he gave me the look.  Rick, however; was cordial when I said: “Rick, you’re Maca and I need you to hold your chin with your hand”.  Jon Anderson then said: “Well who do you get to be”? (Like little kids playing make believe)
I responded: “I’m going to be John Lennon. Wouldn’t you want to be John?”  Jon said: “Well of course”.  I think we all had fun and “Played” like little kids for just a few moments.


Todd Rundgren

Now it’s time to meet Todd. Then who knows?


Michio Kaku

Michio Kaku? The Theoretical Physicist?  He’s a modern day Einstein that believes in the possibility that we are not alone and the “Truth is Out There”.

Meeting Rick was like kissing the King’s Ring. Meeting Trevor was like meeting a long lost Twin. We had so much in common.  It was wonderful to see him on stage using the Slide I gave him that “I” used on my recording of “Sleepwalk”.  To me, they were just performers like myself only much more experienced and polished.

coveyDr. Stephen R. Covey

Meeting Trevor and Rick wasn’t the spiritual moment I talked about when I wrote the article “Meeting Stephen Covey”. Perhaps it’s because Stephen changed my life and I owe my adult core values and character to the late Dr.Covey. Rick Wakeman and Trevor Rabin are fellow musicians that I greatly admire. They didn’t change me. It was an honor to meet them. Dr. Covey was a blessing.

If I ever have to go to Sin City again, it will be too soon and I will have to think about it twice.




Believing in God pt. IV




Elihu in Job 37:5 says it perfectly: “God thunders with His voice wondrously,
Doing great things which we cannot comprehend.”

Soloman writes in Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.”

Later in the “Post-Gospel” books, the disciples are stressing the importance of being humble. They spoke to God through Jesus.  I would take their words with the utmost respect.

I don’t think there is a superlative in the dictionary that could begin to describe God.  It’s odd because deep inside, I feel that our spirits know who/what God is.  Why? Because I believe we’ve met before.  This was probably long before I was born on this planet.  Which makes me wonder if there’s another reason why the older you get, the wiser you get?  Was I given ethereal advice before I was born?  Was this advice tucked away in my “Junk DNA”?

I don’t know.

Webster describes God as:

1. (in Christianity and other monotheistic religions) the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being.

2. (in certain other religions) a superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity.


In New Age thought, God is often referred to as Source, Source Energy, Love, it gets vague and goes downhill from there.  Do not listen to any one who makes either or both of these two statements.

1. We are all God.  (No. We were created in his likeness. If we were created we can’t be the creator)  My mother may have given birth to me but that doesn’t make me my mother or my father. (OTOH, I do have her mitochondrial DNA)

2. “You don’t die”. (Surely you shall not die ~ Satan) Yes you will die.  You will leave this realm. this Paradise or this Battlefield. Your spirit will depart your decomposing body and be “recalled” where you and our maker will go over your life experience.  Should you fear that day? (Judgment day) I say no.  I openly preach that you fear today.

Let me keep this short.  Humans are too smart to believe that our world, bodies and eco system are a coincidence. If you knew 1/10th of the anatomy and Physiology a Joe stethoscope doctor knows, you would realize how amazing this body was created.  I’ll go so far as to say it’s smarter than Porsche Technology. (And less expensive). The design of the human body is that of a deity.

Let’s just say that your body is truly built like a fine temple.  It has a central heating/cooling system called your hypothalamus.  It comes with its own pest control system called “White blood cells”.  It has it’s own Brita filters for your blood, lungs and eyes.  The point I’m making is: “The designer had to be a deity”.  As much as I like the Ancient Alien Theory, (I believe  it serves one purpose.)  It debunks Darwinian rubbish.  If man evolved from hominids, why did apes lose their body hair only to require clothing to stay warm to survive?  The theory debunks its self.  Unless the evolution of man was to make an Armani suit fit better.

What is God?

God is The creative entity that is so powerful Moses himself was not allowed to see God.  God Himself said to Moses that to view him would kill Moses.  So God did a biblical “Fly by” so Moses could feel God’s “essence” in Exodus chapter 34.  In the Charlton Heston Movie “The 10 Commandments” Heston comes down from Mt. Sinai looking as if he had aged 100 years. In Exodus 34:29 It describes Moses’ face as “shining”.  Who knows? Exposure to Radiation?  I’ll call it a righteous glow.

God would later manifest himself in the Human form of Jesus. “The Christ”.  Jesus would work miracles effortlessly.  I think Jesus was playing with us at times as on occasion he would touch someone or wave his hand and they would be instantly healed.  Other times Jesus would spit in the dirt, mix it into mud, rub it in the blind man’s eyes and sent him to the pool to wash it out.  As the blind man did as ordered, his site was restored.  I wonder if Jesus, with a sense of humor looked at his disciples, smiled and said: “Hey guys; watch this”?

Love God (“For even the Demons Believe and tremble” ~ James 2:19)

Live Spiritually,


Believing in God Pt III



What do we really know about our material Life?  We see stuff, hear stuff, feel stuff, smell stuff and we can taste stuff.  We develop our belief in reality based on experience through these 5 physical senses.  Those are physical senses.  We also have the sense of memory and many of us are blessed with the ability of future awareness.  In the old days there were those called prophets.

But Dogs can hear things we can’t hear so how reliable are your ears?

Digital cameras and binoculars that detect infra-red heat can see things we cannot see.  Objects do exist outside of the visual spectrum.  So how reliable are your eyes?

If you hold your nose, your taste buds will not receive the stimulation that comes from a piece of bacon.  What good are your taste buds?

Ever try smelling something with a cold?  Dogs can smell scents we cannot.

I touched a very cold Ice cube.  It was sticky.  I came back an hour later and the same cube had turned to warm water.  My hand felt wet and warm.  A cute furry animal climbed up on my leg I reached down to pet it as it felt like a kitten.  It bit me as it was a squirrel.  Even if I touched it and saw it, my senses were wrong.

The use of our 5 senses are tools of Science.  As you can see, our senses can deceive us. Science is guilty of practicing the paradigm that “If we cannot prove the existence of something using our 5 senses; it does not exist”.  Translated: “If science cannot prove it, it only conveys our ignorance”.  Yet linear equations cannot explain the concept of infinity.  Science has a symbol for it but not an explanation.  We are in a sense; running a race with no track or finish line.

“Life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” ~Macbeth act 5.5

Stay with me.

The entire concept of infinity makes what our conscious minds call matter or reality seem like pure fiction.  Until you can explain the concept of infinity we’re no more real than characters in a dream or a movie that possess free will.  Matter becomes as legitimate as time. Time is a tool invented by man to measure progress.  This world, this galaxy this universe is all relative. It appears spacious and to describe infinity; endless.  We’ve created rules or “Mores” to try to make sense of our existence.  We feel the need to bring meaning to our lives.  Does everything have meaning or a purpose?  Yet in the scope of the universe we are less than an Atom (not Adam)However; to an insect, we are giants, maybe even gods their eyes cannot see either. We certainly have the power of life or death over the entity.

There have been two profound moments in the history/memory of this plane of existence.  The first being the 10 commandments given to Moses by the Architect of our existence.  The 2nd being the physical manifestation of the Architect saying the two most important commandments were to love your neighbor as you would yourself and to love the Architect, Creator and Master (who is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient) with your heart, mind and soul.  Our God!

But HOW?

How can I love something I can’t begin to imagine with my heart, mind and soul? What is this “soul” you speak of?  What is the verb “to love”?  The key is to use your imagination supported by trust.  If we are living in a truly grand illusion that exists in a location surrounded by an abstract concept called infinity then perhaps reaching out with our inner feelings and making an appeal with our outward actions we are using a mystical noun called “faith”.

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” ~Hebrews 11:1.

Maybe, just maybe, we are living in a spiritual world that is cloaked by a material camouflage.  Yet we’re earthbound until we are called out of this existence?

Until next time

Live spiritually
